Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Post Canyon Part 2, Photo Thread!

Falling on your bike hurts bad!  I take these warnings seriously, but I still managed to crash and I have the scars to prove it.  We were fortunate though, there were 11 of us and no major injuries.

Jay calculating in his head how to stomp this nice 20ft ladder gap drop.

Charlie Berg taking advantage of his last days as a bachelor and slaying this feature on the drop out trail!

Charlie bringing his skills from the Tahoe area to 1 of the few rocky technical areas on the dog river trail.  Look at how serious Charlie is!

Another ladder feature, they are everywhere in Oregon.

Jeremy Benson the so called XC biker realizes that he might just give this freeriding thing a chance!

There just might be a reason Benson kills it on his bike.

Jay has got the freeride thing pretty dialed!

Yup, just another feature for Jay!

Bryce Phillips handles this ladder drop no problem!

Bryce rebating and stomping the ladder drop that almost ended his trip early!

Jay putting his calculation from the photo above to work!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mountain Biking Post Canyon

My good buddy Charlie Berg decided to have his Bachelor Party in Hood River, Oregon.  The goal of this trip was to Mountain Bike our balls off.  We didn't waste our time or money seeking out women or strip clubs, instead we spent our days in the forest pedaling and jumping our bikes down the smooth well maintained trails of Post Canyon.

Charlie and his brother Pete organized a group of 11 of Charlie's close friends to converge and shred the trails that Post Canyon had to offer.  All of our ability levels varied, but we all managed to get some truly fantastic riding in.  Charlie has a group of great friends which makes sense because Charlie is one of the nicest and classiest guys you will ever meet.  He also rides a mountain bike extremely well.

Bryce Phillips setting up to send this air a little too deep.  He gave us all a scare when he over shot the trany and fell hard.  He got redemtion on the same air 2 days later though with a clean landing right in the sweet spot.

Charlie Berg Making this 15ft double look easy.

Me looking like I know what I'm doing at the top of the Drop Out trail.  This picture makes me look better than I am at mountain biking.  Thanks for nailing the shot Benson!

Jay Lynn showing us all how too Ride a bike off Big Doubles!

A little video of Jay and Nick.  Unfortunately Nick fell hard into the take off of the second jump. Lucky for him he only got a minor shoulder injury.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mt. Rose Meadows to Chimney Beach Downhill

If you ask any Cross Country Mountain Biker who lives in North Lake Tahoe what their favorite mountain bike ride in Tahoe is?  Most likely, they will respond with "Mt. Rose meadows to Chimney beach".  The reason being is that the views and terrain on this portion of the Tahoe Rim Trail are just absolutely spectacular.  The ride consists of fast sandy single track with views of Lake Tahoe and Carson Valley throughout the whole ride.  Technical challenging uphills and downhills with massive granite rocks are everywhere.  There is never a dull moment on this Tahoe Epic.  They say pictures are worth a 1000 words so I will let the photographs do the rest of the writing.

Sherry McConkey is Strong!  It's always a treat to ride with her.

Sara flying down Chimney Beach!

Shelly Walco is a trooper completing the 20mile ride with a blown out knee!

The guys on this ride were out numbered 7 to 4 and the ladies were much better looking and impressive, so they made all the shots.  Sorry guys!