Thursday, February 5, 2009

Low Tide Exploration & New Ski Zones

It is now February 5Th, 2009 & we are sitting on a 50 inch base here in Lake Tahoe.  Given our low snow pack it makes skiing and filming very difficult.  This is my 8Th season in Tahoe and I have never experienced such a low snow pack for this time of year.  Given these conditions you can either travel or stick it out and explore new zones and work with what you have.  I have chosen to stick it out.  Money is tight and really I don't think the skiing is much better anywhere else in the US right now.
The past two months have been spent resort skiing and exploring new back country zones with my snowmobile and my own two feet.  Below are some pictures of some new zones that I believe have great potential for skiing and filming once the snow decides to fly.

Cliff Peak South East Exposure a very steep pitch with lots of skiing and filming potential located deep in Desolation Wilderness.

Top of Cliff Peak South East Exposure Super Low Tide

Ming Poon top of Cliff Peak South East Exposure

Fire Lookout peak super secret stash!

Another Secret Stash!

Hopefully winter will turn on here and I will have pictures of us Shredding these zones!

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